Recipes »Enchiladas Suizas

enchiladas suizasTo be able to enjoy Enchiladas Suizas for around 200 calories per enchilada is fabulous–and these don't taste like they're too healthy for you either. This recipe comes from Roberto Santibanez, the culinary director of New York's Rosa Mexicano, the over twenty year old restaurant that introduced New York to upscale Mexican cuisine and is probably the reason you can now be charged twenty dollars at restaurants for a dish like this.

Enchiladas mean “in chiles” and, in this case, the recipe calls for serrano chiles, but if you aren't able to find any, I used jalapenos and it still turned out great. These vary from traditional enchiladas because they are not fried, but baked.

The “Suizas” variation on the dish, which was invented at Sanborns in Mexico City,?means “swiss” in reference to the use of cheese and cream. Sanborns is part of a chain that began in 1903 similar to Walgreens, but in 1919 they opened their most famous branch and restaurant House of Tiles and it was here, where the country's elite went to see and be seen, that the enchiladas suizas were invented.

See more: Recipes

Posted on January 14, 2008

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