Style Icons: Female »Eartha Kitt

eartha kittOrson Welles would be right here with me, joining in my adoration of Miss Eartha Kitt, the woman he once referred to as “the most exciting woman in the world”. So enamored he was that he gave her her first starring role. Though she has made quite a name for herself and is still in the midst of a legendary career, it was not always easy for her.

Her mixed heritage (she is Indian, Cherokee, European and American) was not always a hit with the bigots of her time. Her outspoken opinions, specifically against the Vietnam War during a Whitehouse luncheon in 1968 also knocked her out of favor for awhile in the US.

Still, all obstacles aside she has a permanent place in most people's hearts as the sultry Catwoman on the awesome original Batman series. Though I admit that spot in my heart is nearly fully reserved for Lee Meriwether from the feature length film, there is a complete spot in my heart all for Kitt and her sexy greedy performance of Santa Baby.

I can listen to it year round and it will always feel like snow is falling and the streets are lined with those weird fuzzy garlands.

See more: Style Icons: Female

Posted on December 24, 2007

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