I never understood those billboards asking you to donate your car to kids, always literally wondering why kids needed cars. Well, I am a bit wiser now, after?donating our sadly dead Subaru to Kars 4 Kids. While their jingle and red headed child logo are annoying, the process of donating your car, even if it does not run, couldn't be less annoying or more easy. Within 24 hours of calling about our donation, our old vehicle was gone. Ingenious! If an organization wants your money or your car, it's smart of them to make it so effortless.
All you have to do get our personal stuff out of it and send our plates in, the rest was done by the very grateful Kars 4 Kids staff. It's tax deductible, and the money the organization makes from selling your car and its parts (see, they do't actually literally give the cars to starving kids who need wheels) go to a Jewish organization called JOY which “JOY provides food, clothing, shelter, health and wellness, education, after school programs, special training, mentoring, tutoring, private counseling, summer programs, and guidance to children from the ages of six to eighteen.”
It beats trying to sell a junker and its for a great cause.
But what do you think?