Spend a Couple Minutes »Donate Money!!!!!!!

Donate Light the NightI'm walking on October 4th in the Light the Night fund raiser. Please, please, please sponsor me and donate any amount you can to help fight leukemia, lymphoma and other blood diseases. Lymphoma killed Jewish punk star Joey Ramone in 2001 and kills thousands of people every year, so please donate. Thank you so much to all the friends and family who have already. So far I've raised $690, but my goal is $1000, so everyone who hasn't had a chance to donate yet, not only do I probably know where you live and plan on making you feel guilty forever, but you have no excuse. Donating is easy, just go to this page and put in the amount you'd like to contribute, it will make you feel good–isn't it better to put a few dollars towards cures than a dinner out? And donating is good for you: donations are tax deductible. So please donate today!!!! Do it!!!

See more: Spend a Couple Minutes

Posted on September 10, 2007

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