Certainly there are programs I enjoy more and more frequently than football, but the most choice have largely been covered in this venue.?All the same, I do love football.?Or rather, I love the Denver Broncos.?An incongruous, inexplicable fact.?Such has proved a lesson in the heartache of defeat and the agony of devotion.?
I've no clue when or why this loyalty cultivated, nor a notion how such passion has never found a partner in a boyfriend.?But there it is.?I have painted my face, owned an inflatable bronco party chair and cried real tears at the finale of super bowl XXXII.?And I love to watch the infrequent broncos game that is aired on the east coast, to the irritation of fiance and cats.?It's almost as if they would not jump out of their seat to cheer for anything.
But what do you think?