For everything the Criterion Collection has given us, I'd like to take a moment to celebrate their website. It's fun to browse the new releases (ooh, looks like more Louis Malle and Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters looks crazy and weird) and the coming soon section (woohoo for Brand Upon the Brain and a mega release of Short Cuts!) but it's equally entertaining to go through the entire catalog.
Perfect for lining your queue on netflix with respectable arty fair that is almost guaranteed to be good and inspiring to take in all the great graphic art that graces their packaging. I am particularly fond of the bright art for Seijin Suzuki's noirs, love the handwriting on the Varda films, and think the close ups for Fassbinder's BRD Trilogy are beautiful.
Criterion is a modest company, you can find info on company holders but they really don't?toot their own horn. For all the good they do the world of film lovers, I don't mind tooting it for them.
But what do you think?