Spend a Couple Minutes »Convert Your Photos to Polaroids

polaroid conversion brittany hagueTrend Forecaster extraordinaire, Li Edelkoort recently mourned the end of the Polaroid (the company stopped manufacturing the cameras and film in December) at a lecture. But with a ray of hope in her voice she said that one day technology would be able to replicate the look of a Polaroid. She needed not worry to long, because on Polaroid.net, that breakthrough is already here.

True, there is no instant and tactile gratification, no physical memory to store away in a shoe box or tile on your college apartment walls, but it's internet ready for whichever social site you belong to and they had the decency to keep the satisfying zooming sound for all us Polaroid lovers.

See more: Spend a Couple Minutes

Posted on January 26, 2009

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