This popular web site has turned from merely a craze I had heard about but couldn't see what the fuss over to a place online I visit nearly every day.
Where else can I find a place to get good seafood on Nassau county's southern shore? or the best secret spot in the Adirondacks? Or read a lively debate about who serves the best lobster roll in the city? And it's not just for us New Yorkers, threads are open in all parts of the country.
The best thing about Chowhound, and really the only reason the site is as high quality as it is, is the etiquette that the site demands, and more importantly the people who write it . Normal everyday people with a passion for food who usually give thoughtful, informed, sometimes entertaining insights into mainstream and off the beaten path restaurants.
There is also a recipe section I have barely touched and can not wait to explore.
But what do you think?