Web Sites »Cathy of California

cathy of california blogMacrame, raffia, crochet, cluster beads, felt, rick rack, burlap, needlepoint, straw, afghans, Celluclay, yarn, and stuff called Fantasy FurCathy of California is your one stop premier spot for all the crafty essentials circa 1972.

With vivid, sometimes hilarious period scans from publications like McCall's and Better Homes and Gardens, and books like The Betty Crocker Hostess Cookbook and Serendipity in Hi Straw, Cathy has accumulated quite a collection.

Also a craft maker herself, keeping lots of the old methods alive like loom straw flowers, her work can usually be bought on etsy (but is currently sold out). Unfortunately she is also taking a hiatus from her blogging, but luckily for us, there's plenty of eye popping joy in the archives.

See more: Web Sites

Posted on August 18, 2008

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