Hunks »Kyle MacLachlan

dale-cooperCult Legend

Even one of Kyle MacLachlan‘s iconic roles would solidify him as a cult legend, but he’s making a career of it.

For David Lynch, he brought to life Agent Dale Cooper! Blue Velvet‘s Jeffrey Beaumont and Paul Atreides in Dune. He was even behind the most hilarious sex scene ever put to film in the incomparably bad/good Showgirls! And don’t forget the sci-fi B-movie and former Brix Pick, The Hidden, like everyone else has.

Now, as the silver fox Mayor of Portland in Portlandia, he is racking up more hip cred even after taking on more mainstream roles in Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives.

I love him. There’s just no one else that has his combination of quiet strangeness and sunshiney naivete. He’s like one of those truly cool guys that is even cooler because he doesn’t act “cool” at all (you know?).

Plus, he dated Linda Evangelista.

Plus, he is aging beautifully.



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Posted on January 22, 2013

Hunks »Steve Olson

Hunky Skateboarder

Skateboard culture has always been one of perpetual adolescence. A boys club of daredevilry, snotty behavior and high-fiving asinine antics. No one embodies this quite as well or for so long as Steve Olson.

Now a worn out greying “artist” who dates famous women, he looks like a sleaze ball you’d expect to see in an LA gallery snug between Olivier Zahm and some tits. But then, he’s also still dashingly handsome… and in the prime of his youth? I would have wept to twelve year old fantasies of romance with him – had I known of his existence.

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Posted on August 19, 2012

Hunks,Songs »Lost in the Paradise, Caetano Veloso

by Caetano Veloso (1969)

Lost in the Paradise is the perfect way to say “hello summer!” – much more comfortable than a half dozen heat waves, like a caipirinha in music form.

I’m learning more about Brazilian tropicalia artist Caetano Veloso, (so far I’ve learned he was/is quite handsome) but this mellow tune is the perfect first step into his world.

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Posted on July 19, 2012

Hunks »Rufus Sewell

Aurelio Zen

I don’t feel I’ve been able to pay enough attention to give a complete opinion of Zen, the new Italian by way of all British cast mystery series on PBS.

I will say that Alan Cumming’s intros are borderline brilliant in their campiness and I love that the series credits (and general vibe) pull from Giallo.

It can also be said without a doubt that Rufus Sewell is a world class hunk. As a dignified detective who brakes the rules by having too much integrity, he’s at his dreamiest.

Usually a slightly evil character, he’s even sexier as a hero. Game of Thrones fans are dying to have him join the cast – wouldn’t that be awesome…

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Posted on June 30, 2012

Hunks »Jackie Wilson

Mr. Excitement

Jackie Wilson‘s on stage gyrating and crooning earned him the nicknames “mr. Excitement” and “The Black Elvis” though more accurately Elvis should have been called “the White Jackie Wilson” since he, as well as Michael Jackson and even James Brown were influenced by the dynamic performer.

Like so many of the ultra famous, Wilson had a life full of tragedies, both self inflicted (womanizing, addictions) and beyond his control (the loss of several children to violence). But his legacy is one of thrilling stage performances.

He passed away several years after collapsing on stage and slipping into a coma.

Numerous artists owe much to the man.

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Posted on June 10, 2012

Hunks »Richard Dawson

Game Show Royalty

My sister and I were major Family Feud watchers growing up. Later I became inthralled with the bacchanalian Match Game. Both had one dashing, kiss-happy man in common – the recently passed Richard Dawson. Very sad news.

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Posted on June 8, 2012

Hunks »Ricky Nelson

Poor Little Fool

Ricky Nelson isn’t necessarily remembered as a hit maker, even though he was as popular as Elvis on the charts for a time.

He’s also forgotten as a heartthrob even though he’s clearly down right adorable.

Maybe it’s that squeaky clean Ozzie and Harriet image that makes people omit him in their remembrance of hunks past.

Though, a perusal of his bio proves it was only that – an image.

His life was filled with affairs, illegitimate children and drugs not to mention sons who went on to become Nelson.

The images though are of classic boy next door good looks. There’s a slight mischievousness in his smirk but overall the boy looks wholesome and heartbreakingly cute.

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Posted on April 19, 2012

Hunks »Peeta Mellark

Baker Boy

Yep. I’m not ashamed to admit it. I love Peeta Mellark.

With him, Suzanne Collins has created the ultimate good guy heartthrob… a welcome change to the theory that girls only like “bad boys”.

Though I’ve yet to see the movie, Josh Hutcherson‘s casting seems perfect – exactly how I envisioned him – adorable (which is totally fair to say without sounding all Mary Kay Letourneau right? Since the boy is all of nineteen years old!?).

I chatted with Jim’s teen cousin and learned that mostly every girl on the planet loves Peeta. So much so that she sadly found all the Peeta blankets sold out.

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Posted on April 10, 2012

Hunks »Jeremy Irons

Classy and Often Creepy Actor

Claus von Bulow, pervy twin gynocolegists, Humbert Humbert, a Die Hard villian, the voice of Scar, and Dungeons and Dragon’s Profion… Jeremy Irons hasn’t exactly made his stunning career playing heartthrobs, but it doesn’t make his any less one.

There’s more undefinable charisma in his sly smile than most young Hollywood put together.

He seems like someone who could talk high minded chit chat over wine, maybe about the Renaissance or  Quantum mechanics then surprise you with a wry low brow joke. He’d probably be blowing his cigarette smoke my way, and be about the only person in the world to get away with it. (Just bare with me on this wine drinking on a veranda with Jeremy Irons fantasy ok?)

I am currently loving him in Borgias (which starts again soon) and look forward to what it is rumored to be an amazing performance in Margin Call, but his back catalog could make for one awesome film festival (don’t forget Brideshead Revisited!).

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Posted on March 2, 2012

Hunks »Obama!

Singing Al Green

This is pretty hot stuff.

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Posted on January 20, 2012

Hunks,Style Icons: Female,Style Icons: Male »Boney M

Disco Coolness

A brief perusal of the internet of Boney M videos and images will lead you to the conclusion that there’s a pretty strong case they may be the coolest band that ever was.

Singer and insanely cool dancer (just look here) Bobby Farrell is a weirdly handsome front man and the ladies dress like goddess/disco/alien butterflies most of the time.

I would have loved to have been a member. The only surprise is that they weren’t more popular outside Germany (where they were created).

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Posted on January 17, 2012

Hunks »Ronn Moss

Ridge Forrester, Rowdy Abilene, Player

Jim has been using the imperfect but pretty awesome program called Tune Up to match our sprawling music library with titles and cover art.

Because of this, when the AM Gold classic, Baby Come Back came on, I beheld one of the most brazenly extreme 1970’s displays of questionable men’s taste. Tinted glasses, deep V necks, silver belts, indescribable coifs, handle bar mustaches and their name is PLAYER!.. Of course, I was instantly in love.

But, wait just a second… That guy in the blazer and silk scarf(!) doesn’t he look familiar?

Could it? It couldn’t. But maybe it could be… Is that the hunk from one of the best films ever made – Hard Ticket to Hawaii??

Oh my goodness, friends. I found out that indeed, it is the same man.

Rowdy Abilene from Hard Ticket sang Baby Come Back.

I’ll just let that sink in.

His real name is Ronn Moss and apparently everything he touches is pure gold. Which means I should probably have been watching The Bold in the Beautiful where he played a fashion magnate named Ridge Forrester!!!

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Posted on January 5, 2012

Hunks »Best of 2011 – Hunks

From a childhood poet to a Samurai, to a German stud and one genius pianist, to two (count them two) heartthrobs from Game of Thrones, please do enjoy the top hunks from the blog year:

1.  Shel Silverstein

2. Tatsuya Nakadai

3. Iain Glen

4. Helmut Berger

5. Peter Dinklage

6. Glenn Gould

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Posted on January 1, 2012

Hunks »Fridtjof Nansen

Pioneer of Polar Exploration

Fridtjof Nansen of incredible (non ironic) mustache, soul piercing eyes and handsome face traversed land and sea to attempt to reach the North Pole.

While his expedition failed, his survival techniques were used by all subsequent pole expeditions.

Not satisfied to sit back after his exploring success, Nansen later became a humanitarian.

He won the Noble Peace Prize for his work with the League of Nations on behalf of war refugees.

His Oslo home, Polhogda, now a research center looks pretty amazing.

So on top of being a manly explorer, a total babe, and a good human being, the man also had good taste.

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Posted on December 15, 2011

Hunks,Style Icons: Male »Little Richard

The King and Queen of Rock and Roll

Sure, now Little Richard is a goofball in commercials but, think on it, back when he exploded on the scene he was down right, out if sight, daring!

He was funny, omnisexual, and untamed. He let loose with unsuppressed screams and his hair! Oh my, his hair! Coiffed doesn’t even begin.

His influence is huge, most famous musicians name him as their gateway to rock and roll (Prince, Michael Jackson, James Brown etc).

Plus, (surprise, surprise) what a total babe he used to be. Right?

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Posted on December 9, 2011

Hunks »Robert Cornelius

Hot Innovator

What a lovely coincidence that one of the worlds first photograph self portraits was of such a handsome man.

Smart too, Robert Cornelius, a chemist, perfected the daguerreotype and ran Americas first photography studios.

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Posted on November 22, 2011

Hunks »Michael Monroe

Original Hair Band Boy

Hanoi Rocks’ Michael Monroe was such a beauty queen! My goodness.

He and his band are credited with creating the Los Angeles hair band “look”, at least that’s what I found on wikipedia when I woke up wondering who the first hair band was. (Don’t you wake up with similar queries?)

I have to say, and no disrespect to Mr. Monroe, but like most, maybe even all hair bands, I am far more interested in the style than the music. It’s always surprisingly lite and wussy.

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Posted on November 18, 2011