When you finally stumble to the right location after being royally confused as you probably are every time you set foot in Queens with it's crazy street numbers and double addresses, you still think you may be in the wrong place.
From the street Bohemian Hall Astoria Beer Garden looks more like a beer prison, a huge gray brick wall and an enormous wood door lead up to a (relatively) tiny entrance that looks like a plain old neighborhood bar with a bouncer outside of it.
Once inside you will be served with a gruff attitude, and then, finally you will be rewarded with what you came for: a huge garden in which to drink and eat kielbasa under the starry night.
Perfect for groups, especially on a weeknight (seriously, you could bring everyone on your myspace friend list and the place would still not be completely full).
The Oktoberfest is said to be lively and wild, and although we just missed it, you can still come for German American Day (Oct. 6) and make your own party of it.
But what do you think?