Web Sites »Bleubird Vintage


Some industry people make huge bucks with manufactured “lifestyle” branding (those of you who don’t know about this – don’t worry, your life is fine without knowing) but in the blog world others give us the same enviably romantic and beautiful lifestyle themselves with personal photos, gobs of natural style and a charming voice.

One such blog is Bleubird Vintage.

In a world where there’s black lash to everything, a few things are particularly maligned: photos of your children (not sure why but this even makes the most reasonable person burn with anger), food porn, and vanity photos of one’s outfits.

The blog has all three, yet I bet even the most cynical and critical of you would be swayed by the shear magic of the everyday moments she captures so beautifully. She may even inspire you to have four children and homeschool them!

See more: Web Sites

Posted on July 28, 2012

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