Hunks »Bjorn Borg

bjorn borgBack in the lat 1970s, Bjorn Borg was the number one tennis player in the world–and the most handsome. His locks flowed under his endearing sweat band, a signature style accessory that inspired Wes Anderson when he wrote The Royal Tenenbaums. In fact, Luke Wilson's entire character reflected the troubled life of Borg who reportedly over-dosed on drugs and attempted suicide after retiring from tennis at the tender young age of 26. It's easy to romanticize the young, good looking, and tragic.

I can't even pretend to be any sort of tennis expert, but Borg is one of the most revered players of his time. He was a fierce rival of the ever-angry John McEnroe; he was the first tennis player to earn legions of female fans for his pop star quality good looks; and he looks pretty good to this day, especially considereing what a strange, intense journey it's been.

See more: Hunks

Posted on June 16, 2008

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