Back in the lat 1970s, Bjorn Borg was the number one tennis player in the world–and the most handsome. His locks flowed under his endearing sweat band, a signature style accessory that inspired Wes Anderson when he wrote The Royal Tenenbaums. In fact, Luke Wilson's entire character reflected the troubled life of Borg who reportedly over-dosed on drugs and attempted suicide after retiring from tennis at the tender young age of 26. It's easy to romanticize the young, good looking, and tragic.
I can't even pretend to be any sort of tennis expert, but Borg is one of the most revered players of his time. He was a fierce rival of the ever-angry John McEnroe; he was the first tennis player to earn legions of female fans for his pop star quality good looks; and he looks pretty good to this day, especially considereing what a strange, intense journey it's been.
But what do you think?