Hunks »Billy Idol

Rebel Heartthrob

I’ve got no problem with the way pop heartthrobs have gone in the past couple decades. It’s OK for innocent youngins to be in love with innocent youngins. Sure, the music’s mostly bad (though, as you know I have a soft spot for some Hanson B sides) but if girls want to scream for Bieber and The Jonas Brothers, that’s awesome.

But isn’t it odd that there’s no modern equivalent to the snarling, punk rock (like for real punk rock – he used to be in Siouxie Sioux’s band before hitting it big on Mtv), bad boy that was hey day Billy Idol? (Then again, maybe it’s better there are no double bj photos floating around of Aaron Carter?)

Not only was the music good (just try to skip Eyes Without a Face when it pops up in your ipod) the look was perfect: like teenage rebellion and prettied up danger. (You can capture it with this insane Halloween costume)

And to his credit, at least at the writing of this entry, he’s yet to have starred in a reality TV show.

See more: Hunks

Posted on February 27, 2011

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