Hunks »Ben Affleck

ben affleckWretched and bloated–Ben Affleck's the stuff of date rape nightmares. I heard he went to local favorite bar Enids one night and after yelling “Do you know who I am?!” he proceeded to break bottles in the toilet. If that's not enough to make you fall in love with him all over again, take a gander at his flirting techniques, if it's hard to make out what he saying here's a partial translation:

Affleck: “You usually show a lot more cleavage than this, what's the story? Why are you covering it up today?”

AML: “Well, it's Sunday morning…”

Affleck: “It's Sunday morning? That never stopped you before from getting the titties out. Don't think you're trying to fool…Sunday morning? You can be in church, you should have that rack on display. The deacon…right? Am I right? That's how it goes. Usually it's the bikini, the whole thing. You know, you should work at Fox here in LA. You'd blend right in, they would love you. Fox LA, they have a pole that they dance on.”

See more: Hunks

Posted on November 13, 2006

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