Recipes »Baked Lamb Chops

baked lamb chopsThis recipe is the Great Compromise of our apartment. It may not have shaped the way states are represented in congress, but it helped to win Jim the option of eating lamb.

See, lamb is not my favorite meat, so I have to find new ways of preparing it to appeal to my palate. And I'm not alone in my dislike of the meat (Americans consume less lamb by far than any other country), it's got a bad reputation in the states that stems from the bloodshed caused by the animal's introduction and competition with cattle in the 1800s. As everyone knows, if you cause bloodshed and mess with cattle, even two hundred years isn't enough time to mend the wounds–just ask bovine tuberculosis.

You will notice that in restaurants the meat is making a resurgence, appearing on many high end menus around town. If you'd rather not pay lots of money for the culinary treat, then try this recipe, it's simple and excellent with mashed potatoes. Even a girl like me (not a lamb fan) was won over.

See more: Recipes

Posted on August 20, 2007

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