Spend a Couple Minutes »Ave A Flea Market

Ave A Fleamarket On such nice afternoons as the ones we've been having, nothing kills time in between plans like a stroll through the flea market on A and 11th Street. Want a classic trench with a perfect sliming fit? It's there, or it was until my sister bought it. Mike was lured by 5 dollar games, including Hugger Bugger, or as Jim refers to it: Buggerdicks, but he resisted.

I exhibited less self control when I found a crazy big silver ring with a white egg shaped glass jewel held in place by silver tentacles. All decided it was perfect for me, part dungeons and dragons, part cocktail party. While not everything you could ever want is there, a lot that you didn't even know you could want is, including hot dogs and swatches. The lot favorite? A silver claw protector that looked like an evil dragon lord demon's finger. Unfortunately, since it seemed to have been made for demons (very long, very slender digits), it wouldn't fit any of us.

See more: Spend a Couple Minutes

Posted on January 15, 2007

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