Drinks »An Organic Martini at Counter

Organci MartiniAn organic martini is about as hippie as I'll get with my drinking and this swank, dim, curved bar serves just that in many, many variations, to the point that the martini menu is nearly overwhelming.

The atmosphere is pleasant enough, even if the guy next to us was laughing at all our cat stories as if he were an old buddy. The restaurant portion of the place serves what is rumored to be good vegetarian food, but it was the “dirtiest martini” with basil infused vodka that I was after. The name didn't lie, it was salty and only for those of us with a hard on for olive juice.

Laura tried the “Tie Me To The Bedpost”, which required then awkward lighting of some rosemary which made us more afraid than excited. It was yummy but seemed curiously light on the booze for a $12 martini. Sure, they will never take the place of Angel's Share or Pegu Club, but if you need to get a vegetarian girl or boy loaded on a date, there are far worse places I'm sure. Plus the service was really nice and the location is convenient.

See more: Drinks

Posted on April 16, 2007

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