The much talked about Mythic Creatures show is up at the AMNH and sold out constantly (get your tickets before heading down or you will be turned out of the exhibit). It's all the spectacle and pizzazz you could imagine (well, for a museum show) and well worth the admission, but all the glitter of the show also feels a bit tacky and convoluted.
Some of the statues are great looking, and the actual information buried beneath the theme park stylings can be quite interesting. For example, did you know there are birds big enough to be a threat to young children? There are also a couple hands-on displays, like a computer program that lets you build a dragon of your own design which a bunch of kids were very excited about.
You'll feel excited too after such an entertaining show, but I still had a much more awe-inspired time in the old school Hall of Forestry and in the silent Hall of Audubon paintings and with the breathtaking full scale panoramas of taxidermy animals. These quieter parts of the museum, displaying hand made scenes, intricately rendered wildlife studies, and taxidermy are so special and I hope they stay in place forever.
The new exhibits are fun and entertaining, but personally, they could never take the place of such beautiful work and such engaging education.
But what do you think?