Books »American Denim – A New Folk Art

american denim a new folk artThis coffee table book about the art of denim embellishment caught my eye for purely professional reasons. But, despite the lack of substantial text, it has become a beloved personal treasure. The minimal text (by Beagle) is really of its time and refreshingly hippy dippy.

Of embellishing our clothes he proposes that if we all had become bellbottomed people with rockets embroidered on our pockets, Adam and Eve appliqued on our legs, and rainbows sequined up our thighs interplanetary relations would benefit: “UFOs, hesitant to land on this planet of legendary menace, would know that we meant them no harm.”

You know, I agree with him too. His insights, though few, are interesting in comparison to today, when a craft movement is again in full swing. He says of the people who are part of the movement then, “what these people seem to have in common is not an official counterculture – that hardly exists anymore… but it is the desire for some little control over one's own life”.

The book is great, there's lost of bright, fun photographs of extreme embroidery, macrame, feathers, fringe, lace, sequins… you name it. I've been told that this is a highly sought after book in the apparel world, so if you find it at a used book shop like my mom did, grab it!

See more: Books

Posted on August 6, 2007

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