It took precisely seven years for this album to sink into my soul and take over and it all started with the titular song, Abigail. While it's certainly the best song on the album, you really have to take this opus by the Danish shock rocker King Diamond as a complete package, one that tells a complex and insane story of family ghosts, possession, murder and insanity.
It would be quite a feat to decipher the plot just by listening to the music in which falsetto vocals, heavy, heavy twin guitars and the noise of King's alternate demonic grumble make the lyrics nearly impossible to decipher, even when we strain and re-listen to them. Much like grand opera, which Diamond recalls in both sound and performance style, full narrative comprehension requires a reading of the lyrics–or you can just scan a basic run down on wikipedia.
But the music is not just made awesome by this complex tale of woe, no, no it's also awesome because it's awesomely heavy! Enjoy it for (most likely) the first time this Halloween.
But what do you think?