Books »A Clockwork Orange

clockwork orangeI was more than a fan of A Clockwork Orange, I wrote my junior thesis on it and dressed up as Alex for Halloween my Sophomore year, right down to the eyeball cufflinks (thanks my mom, who still helps with my costumes), unfortunately almost no one knew who I was and the ones that did thought I was Bart Simpson. But I digress…

A Clockwork Orange is one amazing novel worth rereading many times. Burgess was a genius (for real) and his mastery of language is unsurpassed. Of course the Kubrick adaptation is stunning, but Burgess himself was disappointed in the ending (while still calling the film “brilliant”) and vowed to never allow his work to be adapted again, so for his sake and your own read the book too!

See more: Books

Posted on September 4, 2006

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