Places to Visit »Negril

Negril Although getting home through customs and baggage claim almost made me forget i had ever known happiness, Jim and I just got back from the most relaxing and beautiful places – Negril, Jamaica. After landing prepare yourself for an hour long white knuckled bus ride on a two lane highway through bustling non-tourist towns and ever changing tropical landscapes. When we reached Negril we never left (although there are some day trips I would explore next time). We stayed at the wonderful Seasplash Resort which hit the perfect note between intimate boutique and resort hotel. The hotel restaurant, Norma's, is the best one on the seven mile beach directly outside the hotel. A dude named King hangs out if there is anything you want to buy … wink. In fact many people hang out on the beach pushing everything from sugar cane, to massage, to hash, to sex. Negril is not too built up yet as a tourist town, so it feels more serene than party time – although you do run into alot of vacationers from all over the world – half of which I always assume are pervy in some way from watching too many Real Sexes in the 90's. The trip is affordable and sublime. The sand is soft, the water is clear, the sky is blue. I have never relaxed so much since I was in grade school.

See more: Places to Visit

Posted on February 6, 2006

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