Restaurants »L’Asso

L'Asso 192 Mott StreetI know this is New York and I really shouldn't be surprised, but within a few weeks I've had two noteworthy, fabulous pizzas at two places on the same block? You read my notes on the famous Lombardi's so you and I both can understand it's long lines, but what I can not understand is the lack of them at L'asso.

Situated just down the block on Mott and Kenmare, L'asso specializes in official (and there are rules and regulations) “D.O.C.” pizza. They even beat the pants off culinary leprechaun Bobby Flay in a “Throwdown”. And, truth be told, their D.O.C. soppressatta and uncooked mozzarella pizzas were tastier than the mozzarella pizza at Lombardis. They come as long thin ovals with fresh and exciting ingredients. The panna cotta dessert was a worthy finish to a great and seemingly secret NY meal.

See more: Restaurants

Posted on January 22, 2007

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