TV Shows »Wire in the Blood and Touching Evil

robson greenEvery Monday night is Mystery Monday on BBC America. Usually this is a good thing for my DVR–especially when it stars the network's biggest heart throb, Robson Green.

Whether he's playing Tony Hill in Wire in the Blood, an infuriating clinical psychologist who solves murders by “getting inside the killers head” (usually accomplished by lining up salt and pepper shakers and making wild gestures in the air), or Dave Creegan, the obsessed homicide detective with a penchant for making things personal and not following the rules (usually at the cost of someone else's life) in Touching Evil, Green makes the cliche lovable and beddable.

These shows are entertaining; always featuring dramatic and gruesome murders with complicated and symbolic motives behind them–England truly must hold the world's most creative psychopaths in the world.

It's hard to pick a favorite between these two over the top mystery shows, but I think I slightly favor Touching Evil if only for the fact that his character takes his job so seriously he has the police hide his wife and children from him and never tell him where they are for their protection–and he lives with a bullet in his brain.

See more: TV Shows

Posted on May 7, 2007

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