Hunks »Guillaume Depardieu

guillaume depardieuThis Monday marked the end of the promising and troubled life of Guillaume Depardieu, he died of pneumonia at the age of 37. While he never lived up to the true potential of his career–imbued with strongly handsome features, he could have at least equaled the career of his father, Gerard–I personally was quite taken with him when I was a teen.

With long golden hair and a beautiful face, I watched him with deeply crushing eyes in Tous Les Matins du Monde, which was directed by Alain Corneau (director of last week's movie pick, Serie Noire) and co-starred his father. I remember very little about the film except for Guillaume's face and was later so heart broken to hear about his constant struggle with drugs and the horrible motorcycle accident that took his leg.

It's very sad again to hear of his death, which came far too soon.

See more: Hunks

Posted on October 20, 2008

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